Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Rudd distances himself from Gillard

Julia Gillard’s threat to bash business leaders who dare to criticize her IR policy package has already come back to haunt her. A Labor frontbencher has accused her of launching a jihad on business.

The Australian Mines and Metals Association have argued that Labor’s moves will put $60 billion in projects at risk. Gillard has backed down and made the stupid excuse that her remarks represent a ‘botched attempt to use a sports analogy, not a threat to business leaders’. That’s not true – her meaning to business leaders was clear – dare to criticise our policy and we will hammer you if we gain office. Whatever Gillard is, she is not a complete fool.

Rudd realises he has a problem with his Deputy – he has signaled he will play a more forceful role on IR policy in the weeks to come.

Gillard is an agent of the trade union bullies who seek to re-establish their power base in this country. According to her it is fine for unions to spend tens of millions funding their own brand of propaganda but if business does so it should watch out. Her claims are all about trade union power not ‘fairness’ and supporting the union hacks who fund her party. Left-wing unionist Dean Mighell at the National Conference gloated about how much fun he would experience with Labor’s new IR laws would enable the unions by coercing employers into signing pattern agreements that ignore the needs of individual firms. This is ‘old Labor’ talking and it reflects the reality of this IR program.

If Rudd and Gillard want ‘balance’ in workforce arrangements they need to consult with business as well as the unions. That they have not done this has led to inept proposals which show what is really driving their IR agenda.

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