Monday, December 03, 2007

Bali talks

Since Kevin Rudd has ratified the Kyoto convention the US is the only major country not to.

It is vital that the IPCC talks starting Monday, in Bali, reach a post-2012 resolve restricting carbon emissions that will ensure decisive action will be forthcoming. There will not be a final agreement - the cagey US and the major creators of new carbon emissions such as China will prevent this - but the supreme urgency of the current situation should assert itself.

I'll watch and monitor developments on this blog.

It is time for all countries to sense the dramatic stakes at hand. Without a dedicated resolve to reduce dependence on carbon-based fossil fuels the world faces the prospect of a fearful apocalypse.

This isn't melodrama - it is our likely future. Time to act.


Anonymous said...

"This isn't melodrama - it is our likely future. Time to act"

Strangely, that's exactly what the left wing riff raff say.

Wheras our Greatest Ever Prime Minister (recently departed) took an "over my dead body" approach to ratifying Kyoto, and the Greatest Ever Government contained proud climate change denialists until the very end.

Unknown said...

It seems that Australian climate negotiators may still be still up to the same dirty tricks and are opposing the strong targets for developed countries that are supported by the EU by 2020:

Rudd’s position on this will be a real test of whether he is serious about climate change.

Unknown said...

It looks like Australia might be supporting strong emissions reductions after all: